Dirty, Filthy Fantasies- The First Collection Read online

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  Khalina nibbled on his earlobe and caressed his cheek. “Give my sister what she wants,” she cooed. “Fill her cunt with your seed!”

  “Fuck!” he gasped, clutching meekly at Selenya’s slender waist. “Take it, baby! Take everything I’ve got left!”

  Dravis grabbed frantically at the sides of the couch as his cock injected her with salvo after salvo of his seed. By the time he stopped spurting, his limbs were so weak they slid down Selenya’s legs and flopped onto the floor.

  “Escar’s mercy,” he rasped. “You girls are killing me…”

  Basyle and Selenya weren’t even paying attention. The former helped the latter off of him, cupping her quim as if to hold in his offering and then laying her back on the floor with her legs held high in the air. Strangely, Khalina didn’t move to help. Instead she swung her own leg over his chest and promptly leaned down to kiss him.

  “Thank you,” she breathed. “Thank you so much…”

  If he weren’t so damn tired, he would have gladly flipped her over and fucked her again while her sisters did…whatever they were doing. But he could barely keep his eyes open, let alone get his cock hard again.

  “I promise you’ll never forget us,” Khalina said, smiling down at him and brushing sweaty strands of hair from his forehead. “I’ve woven a spell to ensure your memory of this day remains strong and vivid. I don’t want you to regret your sacrifice.”

  Dravis licked at his dry lips. “Sacrifice? Honey, I didn’t sacrifice anything. Just give me a few hours rest and I promise I’ll be ready to go again.”

  Her green eyes turned mournful. “I’m afraid that is not true.”

  He grunted. “I know you’re young and naïve, but trust me: I have plenty of experience with this.”

  “No, you do not,” she said. “The fertility ritual siphons a great deal of energy from the male donor.”

  Dravis frowned. “What?”

  “In time, you will regain your physical strength. You will remain a powerful warrior and stalwart champion of your people.” Khalina touched his face again. “Your stem will not recover so easily, however. I’m afraid you have spilled for the last time.”

  “What are you…you can’t be…” He studied her face on the off chance she had suddenly developed a sense of humor, but she looked more solemn than when she’d been a prisoner in that cave. “What the hell did you do to me?”

  “The Goddess commands us to claim the seed of the most powerful males in the realm,” Khalina said. “Only then can we give birth to a new generation of daughters that are even stronger and wiser than us. When the cycle is complete and we have achieved perfection, the Eternal Lady will finally be reborn.”

  “Look, I don’t give a shit about your crazy dogma,” Dravis said, trying and failing to lean up. “This isn’t funny anymore—if you put some kind of spell on me, you need to reverse it. Now!”

  “I wish that were possible,” she lamented. “But you should take solace in the fact that you have aided the Eternal Lady. She will remember your sacrifice and reward you in the Beyond.”

  “You crazy cunt!” Dravis licked his lips and panted as his strength failed him. “I swear to the gods, I’ll…I’ll…”

  “Rest now, Tirian,” Khalina soothed. “And know that a part of you will live on inside me forever.”

  Dravis tried to reach out and touch her, but darkness overwhelmed him. He had no concept of how long he was unconscious, but he gradually became aware of a voice calling out to him from somewhere nearby.

  “Sir? Sir, can you hear me?”

  Dravis’s eyes slowly fluttered open. The rocky ceiling above him was the same as before, albeit dimmer, and the air was musty and cold. It took him a moment to realize that he was still lying prone and naked atop the same couch. When he turned his head he spotted his squire, Corwin, leaning over him.

  “What?” Dravis stammered.

  “Oh, thank the gods you’re all right, sir!” Corwin said. “When you didn’t return to camp I started to get worried. I knew those witches weren’t to be trusted.”

  Dravis propped himself up on an elbow and glanced about the shrine. Khalina and her sisters were gone, and they appeared to have taken absolutely everything aside from this couch on their way out. Even the enormous statue of their goddess had been removed somehow.

  “How long…?” he rasped. “How long was I in here?”

  “Almost three days, sir,” Corwin said. “When you didn’t come back the first night I wasn’t worried, but after the second…”

  “Three days? You idiot! They could have killed me!”

  “You made it quite clear that you didn’t wish to be disturbed, sir. Or share their affections.” The smallest hint of a smile touched his squire’s lips. “Thankfully, they didn’t steal your sword or armor.”

  Dravis leaned all the way up and tried to ignore the sudden wave of dizziness. His armor was indeed lying on the floor just where he’d left it. “Where did they go? Did you see them leave?”

  “No, sir. There are horseshoe prints in the sand outside the shrine, but there’s no way to track them across the rocky plains. I’m afraid the women are gone.”

  “No,” Dravis growled under his breath. “No, we need to find them! We need to force them to undo this curse!”

  “Curse, sir?” Corwin asked. “You seem unharmed.”

  Dravis glanced down at his cock—his shriveled, wilted cock. When he touched it, he couldn’t feel anything. It was like it wasn’t even there…

  He dropped down to a knee and clamped down on his lip. Khalina had been right about his memory. When he closed his eyes, he could relive every moment in the shrine. The shape of her body, the softness of her tongue, the warmth of her cunt…it was all there in perfect detail.

  Perfect, horrible, haunting detail.

  “Get the horses,” Dravis croaked, trying and failing to swallow the fear bubbling inside him. Khalina’s words echoed through his mind: I’m afraid you have spilled for the last time.

  Corwin frowned. “I don’t understand, sir. Are you wounded?”

  “Just get them, you twit!” Dravis growled, cradling his dead cock in his hand. “I need to get to the healers in Riverbend as soon as possible.”

  The Headmistress’s Punishment

  Act One: Caught on Crystal

  “My parents are going to disown me,” Liam muttered into the silence. “When they hear I’ve been expelled from the Academy, they’ll toss me out on the street. I don’t know what I’ll do. I don’t know where I’ll go!”

  “You won’t have to go anywhere,” Keldrys replied bitterly. “You’re the firstborn son of a wealthy family, and more importantly you’re human. Someone will give you a job, and eventually your parents will come around.” He scoffed. “If I get expelled, the Archmage himself will kick me out of Highwind. No one in this city will take pity on a dark elf!”

  “Can the two of you stop whining for one bloody second?” Sadira growled at them. “I told you, everything will be fine after tonight. We just need to sit here and be patient.”

  She shook her head and brushed a wayward lock of brown hair out of her eyes. The three apprentices were perched on the third floor of the library here at the Highwind Academy, just high enough that they could stare down at the lower level without being spotted themselves. If her instincts were right, the Academy Headmistress—a haughty high elf named Telanya—would be arriving at any moment. Sadira and her friends would then be able to confront their teacher in private and beg for a chance to retake their final trials. Telanya wouldn’t listen, of course—she was, without a doubt, the biggest cunt Sadira had ever met—but hopefully they wouldn’t have to rely upon the Headmistress’s mercy. Liam had brought along a memory crystal to record the conversation, and with a little luck and lot of cleverness the three of them might be able to trick Telanya into saying something embarrassing. Afterwards, they could threaten to show the crystal to the Archmage or the city council if the Headmistress still refused to give them a
passing grade.

  It was a longshot, to say the least. But it was also the only chance they had left.

  Sadira repressed an anxious sigh. She and her friends were all fourth-year students, but none of them were particularly skilled with magic. Liam was the son of a city councilor, and his continued mediocrity was an unending source of shame for an otherwise well-respected family. Keldrys was a dark elf, a rare sight in Highwind or anywhere else on the surface, but the Archmage had taken pity on him and allowed him to enroll in the Academy. If he didn’t pass his trials, however, the more racist members of the city council—which was to say, virtually all of them—would demand he be banished back into the underworld.

  Then there was Sadira herself. She had an easier time than Keldrys, but not by much—half-elves were as scorned in this city as any other “hybrid.” She had been forced to pay her own way into the Academy, largely by spreading her legs for drunken sailors at the brothel. If she couldn’t figure out a way to get her official mage certification, she would back on her knees by the end of the week.

  “Even if she does show up, this isn’t going to work,” Keldrys said after a moment. His red eyes were narrowed into thin slits, and his arms were folded defiantly across his chest. “Do you honestly believe anyone on the city council will care what she calls us?”

  “No, but the Archmage will,” Sadira said, shifting in place and eventually crossing her legs. Her Academy uniform—a sleeveless blue blouse and matching skirt—were remarkably uncomfortable, even compared to the suffocating corsets and high heels she’d worn day in and day out at the brothel. “He gave you a chance when no one else would. Do you really think he’ll approve of his wife calling you a ‘gray dog?’ Or calling me a ‘half-breed whore?’”

  Keldrys shrugged. “I think she’ll have to say a lot worse for him to give a damn. I mean, he did just marry her. He must know what she’s like.”

  “He knows that he’s a sixty year-old human man with a wilting pecker, and she’s a beautiful high elf who’s apparently willing to fuck him anyway.” Sadira grunted. “Look, he still has to care about her public image, especially if she’s going to take his job when he retires. Giving a few students a passing grade seems like a small tradeoff.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Liam said. “And I really hope she doesn’t just turn us into toads the moment we suggest—”

  “Quiet,” Keldrys warned, his long gray ears perking up. “Someone’s coming.”

  A few seconds later, Sadira heard the unmistakable clicks of the Headmistress’s heels on the stone floor. Telanya appeared beneath them a few minutes later, still wrapped in the same hip-hugging light blue dress she had worn to class earlier in the day. Liam and Keldrys both gasped softly when they saw her, and their cocks probably stiffened beneath their robes. Not that Sadira could blame them. Telanya might have been an arrogant, frosty bitch, but she was also one of the most gorgeous and elegant women in Highwind.

  Like most high elves, she was taller and slimmer than the average human female with high, stately cheekbones and flawless white skin. She tucked her long golden hair back in a tightly-braided ponytail that dangled halfway down her back, though her movements were so graceful and measured it barely even swished back and forth when she walked. Her blue eyes glowed ever-so-faintly, and her pouty lips were the perfect shade of red without a single trace of lipstick. The most arresting thing about her—in Sadira’s mind, at least—were her long, slender legs and the high heels encasing her feet. The shoes were probably worth more than most laborers made in six months, and thanks to her natural elven dexterity Telanya could effortlessly balance on the five-inch heels even while descending steps.

  Every male student at the academy had been desperate to fuck her since she’d moved to Highwind last year. Sadira wanted to fuck her too, if for entirely different reasons. The thought of such a powerful, regal woman quivering beneath a lowborn half-elf was enough to slicken Sadira’s quim.

  “All right,” she whispered. “We might as well get this over with.”

  Keldrys frowned. “Someone else is coming now. A man, I think.”

  Sadira shared a confused glance with Liam. They hadn’t expected anyone else to be here. Most of the students were already in bed, and the whole reason Telanya had come to the library this late was so she could quietly work on her research…

  A few heartbeats later, the second figure stepped into view. Sadira instantly recognized him as Boldruk, a half-orc who worked as one of the Academy’s night watchmen. He was yet another mongrel the Archmage had taken pity on—the only reason the brutish thug even had a job was thanks to his natural ability to see in the dark.

  “Is he going to scold her for breaking in after hours?” Liam asked softly.

  Sadira leaned in closer to the railing as Telanya pivoted around to face the half-orc, her lips curling in a rare smile. She whispered something unintelligible, and Boldruk grinned in return.

  “Is she being nice to him?” Keldrys asked. “She’s never nice to anyone!”

  Sadira gestured for silence and continued watching, genuinely intrigued. Telanya treated everyone with contempt, especially half-breeds and lowborn. What could they possibly be saying to each other? Boldruk took another step forward until he was looming over her, but Telanya didn’t seem scared and he didn’t seem angry. It didn’t make any sense.

  “What are they…?”

  Before Sadira could finish the sentence, the burly half-orc abruptly lunged forward, grabbed Telanya in his arms…and kissed her.

  “Escar’s mercy,” Liam breathed, his mouth falling open.

  Sadira couldn’t even bring herself to gasp. For several long, dizzying seconds, she refused to believe what she was seeing. It was impossible. It was unthinkable.

  The haughty Headmistress of the Highwind Academy, wife of the Archmage and one of the most esteemed women in the city, was having an affair with a half-orc mongrel.

  “Record this,” she breathed.

  Liam did a double take. “What?”

  “Get your crystal!” Sadira snapped. “Record this. Now!”

  He hesitated for a moment, still in shock, before he dug into his pouch and retrieved the memory crystal. It activated soundlessly, and Sadira glanced back down to the show below just as it was getting more interesting. The Headmistress hadn’t wasted any time—she had already squatted down in front of Boldruk, and her hands expertly reached into his trousers and freed his enormous green cock.

  “Nau’shevi,” Keldrys muttered.

  Sadira had no idea what he said, but she nodded anyway. Watching their teacher kiss an orc was strange enough, but watching her give his cock a tongue-bath was downright surreal. Telanya lathered the tip and the shaft with the skill and vigor of a high-priced whore, and a few minutes later she started easing him between her lips. Boldruk grinned, his tusks glinting in the dim light as he grabbed a handful of her blonde hair and took control.

  Telanya’s highborn throat wasn’t large enough to take in his full length, but that didn’t stop her from trying. Her blue eyes widened with lust every time he thrust deeper, and whenever he pulled out to give her a respite she smiled up at him with the unbridled joy of a child playing with a new toy. If Sadira didn’t know better, she would have assumed the Headmistress had been replaced by a doppelganger. Every move she made was more out of character than the last.

  Sadira eventually pulled her eyes away long enough to glance back at her friends. Unsurprisingly, the boys were barely able to contain their lust. They had both shifted position as their cocks grew inside their trousers, and Liam was clenching the railing so tightly his knuckles had gone white. If she weren’t around, she had no doubt that they would already be stroking their cocks.

  She grinned at the thought. A part of her was tempted to help them out, especially Liam. The poor kid had been clumsily trying to get beneath her skirt ever since their first class together. His parents didn’t even want him to be friends with a “half-elf gutter whore,” but he had alw
ays been sweet to her. While he wasn’t technically a virgin—Sadira knew for a fact that he’d fucked a few debutantes at the various noble balls—he was still painfully inexperienced. The look on his face when she’d told him she liked fucking men and women had been priceless.

  Keldrys was a different story entirely. He’d spent the better part of the last century in the underworld being beaten and humiliated by the priestesses of the Spider Queen. While he was still a young man by elven standards, he probably had more sexual experience than everyone else in this city combined. His fantasies about Telanya were probably more about seeing her as a stand-in for all the other domineering women who had controlled his life.

  “Please tell me the crystal is working,” Sadira whispered.

  “It’s on,” Liam assured her. He still couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of his teacher gorging herself on orc cock.

  “You boys can tug yourselves if you want, I don’t care,” Sadira said, grinning. “This is so fucking hot…”

  She made a show of reaching beneath her skirt and sliding her panties down to her knees. Grinning again, she gradually slipped a finger into her quim and shifted her attention back to the show down below.

  “I always knew she was a slut—any woman who is that much of a cunt always loves taking it up the ass,” Sadira said. “Now come on, you dumb orc. Choke her with your—”

  “Quiet,” Keldrys scolded. “Her ears can hear better than ours.”

  “Not over the sound of her own gagging.”

  He glanced back down as Boldruk began slamming his cock in Telanya’s mouth more forcefully. They all watched intently, fully expecting the brutish orc to unload down her throat at any minute, before he unexpectedly released his grip on her head and let her sink back on her haunches. Telanya smiled, her perfect ruby lips glistening with spittle, before he abruptly grabbed her by the sides and flung her up onto the nearby desk.

  The half-orc didn’t waste any time unwrapping his prize. He unfastened the lone halter strap behind her neck and allowed the top of her dress to fall off her shoulders, exposing her modestly-sized but deliciously perky elven tits. He sucked them into his mouth one after the other, all while simultaneously pushing up her skirt and positioning his spit-sodden cock at her smoldering quim. Telanya’s delighted moans echoed across the library while her impossibly long legs wrapped around Boldruk’s waist. Her heels looked even sexier dangling helplessly in the air…